Redmetlitas UAB
Redmetlitas UAB is a rare earth elements and metals trading company located in Vilnius, Lithuania (Europe) focused on supplying end-consumers and rare earth developers with quality REEs. Redmetlitas UAB has its own stock inventory of rare earth elements in Lithuania, Europe and Hong Kong as well as having direct access to manufacturers in China, making the importing and exporting of products cost-effective and timely. With over 10 years of experience in the trading and logistics field, Redmetlitas UAB is prime to help make more rare earth elements available to a larger group of developing companies and industries.
We provide sustainable rare earth supply for European manufacturing facilities concerning environmental, social and security aspects with a solid international co-operation.
Address data
Street: | Dariaus ir Gireno g. 8 |
City: | Vilnius |
Postal code: | LT-02159 |
Country: | Lithuania |
Phone: | +370 607 45291 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Paul Wolf |
Phone: | +370 607 45291 |